Chatham, Illinois
Current conditions as reported at Chatham, IL
Sunday, April 28th, last updated at 10:52 am CDT

Scattered Clouds

Scattered Clouds

temp: 70°F
wind: from the South
at 13 mph w/gusts of 22 mph
cloud level: 6,000 feet
dewpoint: 59°F
relative humidity: 68%

visibility: 10 miles
barometer: 29.88 inches
sea level pressure: 1011.5 mb
Sunrise: 6:04 am CDT
Sunset: 7:47 pm CDT

Weather Forecast
ThunderstormsNo forecast available
Mostly CloudySunny
Mostly CloudyRain

High Temperature (F) 74  72  78  81  75 
Low Temperature (F) 60  59  51  61  63 
Precipitation (%) Day/Night 59/71  7/5  10/50  14/36  51/64 
Growing Degree Days 405  405  405  405  405 
Probability of Snow (%) 0/0  0/0  0/0  0/0  0/0 
Wind Direction
Wind Speed (MpH) 16G24  18G28  12 
Soil Moisture (% available) 0.34  0.35  0.34  0.33  0.34 
Hours of Sun 1.8  4.1  12  3.7  0.2 
Dew Point Temperature 62  52  56  62  65 
Windchill Index (F) 75  72.5  77.5  80  75 

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